Komstad Evangelical Covenant Church

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Practice for the Christmas Program ... page 3

This is another picture of our songleaders sharing a Christmas carol with the congregation. This is just practice, but they looked great in the program, too.

Natalie is responsible for a lot of great music at the church, and she helped create this Christmas program.

This was fun. Our cookie lady explained how to make Christmas shapes out of cookie dough, but it never went quite the way she planned. I think everyone wanted to be in this scene.  

Laura looked very comfortable in her rocking chair and shawl.

These are more bystanders. Wendy, the one in the snowflake sweater, created a lot of the artwork for the program. 

We had to include some cowboys and a new cowboy Christmas song. The three desperados around the campfire tapped out the drum part on their tin coffee cups.

I believe there were snowballs involved in this scene, but no one was hurt. And no snow had to be shoveled out of the church. 

After a lot of practice, these actors will go on stage to tell of God's precious gift of love, born in a manger in Bethlehem. In all the rush of the season, the story of Jesus is still the real story of Christmas.

We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us.
And our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ.
1 John 1:3
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Beresford, South Dakota