Komstad Evangelical Covenant Church

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  The Parsonage Fire ... page 1
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When it came time for the church to tear down the old parsonage, they asked the local fire department to help. The firefighters agreed to use the fire for training. In the process, the house would be burned down.

The parsonage, prepared for demolition.

One more thing worth keeping.

Some of the kids just couldn't stop playing around.

Then the firefighters came, and things got serious.



Everybody suited up.

The crowd was in place ...

... including the camera crew.



There wasn't much time to let people know that the parsonage would be burned, but a crowd still gathered to watch the fire.


The best seats were well back, away from the flames and smoke.

There is a time to tear down and a time to build.
(from Ecclesiastes 3:3)
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Beresford, South Dakota