Komstad Evangelical Covenant Church

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The Annual Soup and Pie Supper

In the fall, about the time of harvest, the women of Komstad Church host an elaborate feast.

Everyone notices the food and the decorations, but people don't always get an opportunity to see all the work that goes on behind the scenes.

Most of the action takes place at the supper, but upstairs some of the tables are packed with items for the bake sale.

Volunteers are there to take care of customers. It might seem like hard work, but most of our helpers have way too much fun! 

One of the main attractions at the supper is the wide selection of homemade pies. Pieces of pie are quickly cut and carried out to the serving line to keep up with the demand.  

Everyone's life is busy, especially at harvest. But the Soup Supper gives everyone a chance to come away from the busyness, if only for a moment. 

The food is always great, but the people make the evening what it is ... a great time to be together.

Still, the meal takes a lot of work to make and serve, and the kitchen crew is always busy. 

The youth provided some excellent help during the meal. We got one young man to stop long enough to snap a picture.

Harvest time is a great season to remember the many good gifts that God has given us and to enjoy them together.  

We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us.
And our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ.
1 John 1:3
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Beresford, South Dakota