Komstad Evangelical Covenant Church

A Few Sketches of the Planned Construction

The new fellowship hall will be added on to the north side of the existing church. We are really excited about the opportunity to raise the ground level in front of the church so that a person can walk right into the fellowship hall or the sanctuary without negotiating any steps.

The roof of the new building will cover the stained glass window on the north wall, which should provide wonderful protection for the window while keeping the glass visible to both the sanctuary and the fellowship hall. We have already lost the window once to a severe storm, and this should prevent any future damage.

The sketches lose a bit of clarity when they are scanned and reduced by so great a factor, but these should at least offer a quick peek at the new shape of the church.
Click on a photo to see it in a larger size.

This is the view from the front of the church. The narrow siding is the existing building, and the wide siding is the new construction. The new roof will mimic the shingles on the existing building.

This is the view from the north side of the church. The original stained glass window is now enclosed, protected from the elements and prominent in both the sanctuary and the fellowship hall. The overhang in front is the canopy over the new entrance and driveway.

We'll try to offer a sketch of the floorplan soon. In the meantime, if you have any questions or comments, call or e-mail. Here's the e-mail address again, in code, of course.


As before, substitute an @ for the "(at)" and don't include any spaces. Or don't hesitate to just call someone out here. It's always great to talk with family.

In him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord.

(Ephesians 2:21)

Beresford, South Dakota